Tuesday, August 28, 2012

my first PHP website

For the past four weeks, I've been learning PHP. This week, I've been working on designing a website that pulls its content from a database and builds the page. At this time, I have a catalogue of my photocards built and I have plans on expanding it into a full site. Should be fun!

Each person in my class is working on something unique. We are presenting our designs to the class on Thursday. I can't wait to see what everyone has been up to!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hello Java

I wrote my first Java program today--Hello World! Looking forward to the next 4 weeks of Java.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Learning database design

We've been taking database design for the past six weeks and I've found it very interesting. Who knew that Notepad++ can be used for creating databases, creating tables, filling with content, and running queries?? Very cool!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

HTML and CSS - a continuation

We've been working on applying our base knowledge of html and css this week. I'm very excited to have built and posted a webpage.


I'm working on rebuilding a portfolio site and I will post that when it's ready.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The amazing power of LinkedIn

I think I've been on LinkedIn for about two years now.

This week, I was very excited to reconnect with an elementary school classmate who moved away--around Grade 5, if I remember correctly. After all these years, I thought it was pretty cool to reconnect. More importantly, I was able to hook him up with someone I know who can offer assistance to his new company that he's starting up.

That's the amazing power of LinkedIn!!


A while ago, I put an add-on from Behance on my LinkedIn profile which I think is a great feature. It's a handy on-line portfolio for creatives.

I've posted a new project:


More to follow!

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Next up in the program that I'm taking is Website Design which will include HTML and CSS.

I'm looking forward to these courses. I've had some exposure to HTML and CSS but I've always felt that it would be nice to have a proper class about them. 

No pressure, Matt! 


Monday, January 23, 2012

C# is pronounced, "C Sharp"

Recently, I've been learning C#, a programming language.

Once upon a time, I took Basic in high school. Now, maybe I'm dating myself, but a lot has changed since I took those classes! However, I do remember the satisfaction and the joy I would feel when my program would run, without errors.

The programs that I've been creating are far more impressive than those that I remember building back in high school -- and I've been pretty excited that they work!

I think my new home will be at:

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

online job search

Online searching is a big part of looking for a job in today's market.

Here's a list of websites that I use for the Kitchener/Waterloo, Ontario region (listed by category):

Job search engines:
Career Jet http://www.careerjet.ca/
Indeed http://www.indeed.ca/
Beyond http://www.beyond.com/
Wow Jobs http://www.wowjobs.ca/
Eluta http://www.eluta.ca/
Career Builder http://www.careerbuilder.ca/CA/Default.aspx
Job Shoppe http://www.jobshoppe.ca
Twit Job Search http://www.twitjobsearch.com
Job Shouts http://jobshouts.com/

Government job banks:
Service Canada http://www.jobbank.gc.ca
Ontario Public Service Careers http://www.gojobs.gov.on.ca/
Federal Public Service Careers http://jest-orae.psc-cfp.gc.ca/JEST-ORAE/advsrch.do?lang=en

Job banks:
Local Work http://www.localwork.ca/
Workopolis http://www.workopolis.ca/
Kijiji http://kitchener.kijiji.ca/f-jobs-W0QQCatIdZ45
Job Shark http://www.jobshark.ca/
Job Serve http://www.jobserve.com
Monster http://jobsearch.monster.ca
RGD Ontario http://www.rgdontario.com
KW Job Shop http://kwjobshop.ca/
KW Careers http://www.kwcareers.ca
AG Careers http://agcareers.com/
Media Job Search Canada http://www.mediajobsearchcanada.com
Masthead http://www.mastheadonline.com
Design Edge http://www.designedgecanada.com
Jeff Gaulin http://www.jeffgaulin.com
Creative Niche http://www.creativeniche.ca
Thingamajob http://www.thingamajob.com
My Career Fair http://www.mycareerfair.ca
Work in Culture http://www.workinculture.ca
Marketing Magazine http://www.marketingmag.ca/jobzone
The Working Centre http://www.theworkingcentre.org
Print Jobs http://www.printjobs.ca/
IT World Canada http://jobs.itworldcanada.com
All Star Jobs http://www.allstarjobs.ca/
Career Beacon http://www.careerbeacon.com
Startup North http://jobs.startupnorth.ca/
Job Boom http://www.jobboom.com/
Omni Jobs http://www.omni-jobs.com/powersearch.asp
How Design http://howdesign.com/joblist/
Dova Jobs http://www.dovajobs.com
Creative Hotlist http://www.creativehotlist.com
GoodWork Canada http://www.goodworkcanada.ca/

Job placement agencies:
Mandrake http://www.mandrake.ca/career_centre/AllJobs.asp
Dean Group http://kitchenerjobs.deangroup.ca
PMG http://www.pmg.on.ca/
The Burke Group http://www.theburkegroup.com/
Team Recruiter http://www.teamrecruiter.com/
Coda Consulting http://www.codaconsulting.ca/opportunities.html
Randstad http://www.randstad.ca
Conestoga Personnel http://www.conestogapersonnel.com/
Pure Staffing http://www.purestaffing.com/
Express Pros http://kitchener.expresspros.com
Wellington Partners http://www.wellingtonpartners.com
Winter Staffing http://www.winterstaffing.com
Premium HR Solutions http://www.premiumhrsolutions.com
Creative Group http://www.creativegroup.com
Robert Half http://www.roberthalf.ca

Good luck!